Finding Your Focus

High performers cite setting aside intentional, uninterrupted time as a top transformative practice. 

Establishing blocks of times to cocoon, and turn inward, leads to increased innovation, productive problem solving and, in numerous studies, decreased feelings of mental exhaustion.

Focus time or cocoon time is intentional blocks of time, with no interruptions, to pull your energy back in. When engaged in high performing accomplishments, these achievements, although thrilling, are energy expenditures.  This external energy push is best countered with an internal energy pull. 

Depending on your readiness level, focus time, during hours of work, could be 30 minutes within a day, or even a full day, where meetings are not scheduled, and time is spent allowing your thoughts and your mind to recharge. 

This time can be used to focus on projects of great interest, meditative practices, or simply allowing your mind to wonder, and consider new ideas, possibilities, and innovations. 

Some people choose to listen to music during their time, to engage a different part of their brain, or to change the energy in their space.

Allow yourself time to cocoon; pull your energy back in so that you can recharge, renew, and grow.

- Amy Parrill


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